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About Ayurveda


The  Ayurveda –  What & Why?

The word  ayurveda  is the combination of two words.  One is ‘ayu’ and another  is ‘ved’. The  word ‘ayu’  stands  for  life- span from conception/birth to death. The word  ‘age’ is not appropriate  for  ‘ayu’.  The word ‘ved’ is derived from root ‘vid’ which represents several ganas (genus). In popular terms ‘ved’ is meant for knowledge. It  is called ayurved because --

‘ayu’ happens to be  it’s subject matter. knowledge about ‘ayu’ is gained from  it’s study. one gets health & longivity  it’s directions . it extrapolates various aspects of ‘ayu’. it deals exclusively with ‘ayu’.                

Note – from the above ,it  is discerned that ayurved  is inappropriately referred as science of life. Ayurved is more than a science; it is also philosophy  of life. It prescirbes a way of living to be healthy,happy and long life .

The ayu (life) is of four types - hitkari  [good/beneficial] , ahitkari [bad/harmfull],sukhkar [wellbeing/joyfull] and dukhkar [distressing/sorrowfully] therefore ,the knowledge [logos] which defines what is good/bad and what is  beneficial/harmfull for life and which also deals with it’s maan [measurements-how old one  is ,how long one may live] is called ayurved .

A course correction in the structure & function of the Kaya (Body) is attained through Ayurveda. The result of medical /surgical  intervention is immediate .

Therefore, unlike other forms/types/sources  of knowledge like perfroming arts & various crafts , knowledge  about  life-health & longevity on one hand and of disease & death on other hand is always good not only for the self but also for others.

The uniqueness of Ayurveda lies in being the only one which helps to  attain Dharm (Order) ,earn Arth (Wealth),perform Kam(Pleasure & Reproduction)and  obtain Moksh (Salvation –from endless cycle of joy, sorrow and health /disease).

Hence,the need for wise one is to do their best to be knowledgeable about Ayurveda only.It is also know as Astang Ayurveda for being organized in eight branches.


The Personas (Authorities)

Note:- Most of those to whome Ayurveda is identified with are Mythological (than Historical)characters.This fact needs to be kept in mind while going through this part. This, however don’t reduce the utility of Ayurveda in any way.

Ashwani Kumars:- The twins and the 1st  known twins ever born. They are protectors of health of devtas (deities). They  are credited with suturing several head of the yagya  purush,refitting of fallen teeth of pushn, restoring the lost eye sight of bhag and bringing back mobility to frozen shoulder of Indra .

Ashwini Kumars provided artificial limbs (thigh made of iron sheet ) to queen Vipsalya  w/o  King Khel who got badly injured while fighting (a war) along with her husband.

Note --  All the above  feats of Ashwini Kumars  may be dubbed as science – fiction  but are worth pondering that such ideas occured to story tellers of those days. We also know that science-fiction of yesteryears becomes reality later on. More than 1oo years ago h.g. wells wrote time machine , gradually various fiction became facts.

Dhanwantri:- He emerged at the end of great oceanic churning, holding nector filled pitcher  in both the hands.

He is the destroyer of disease, aging & death of Devtas and descended upon the Earth basically to teach & train Surgery (Shalya) along with other branches of Ayurveda (as mentioned above). He directed Shushrut to wrote a treantise on Shalya.

Charak/carak :- called so as he remained incognito,by & large,and is credited with authoring 1st known samihta of ayurved-charak samitha.

Patanjali :-He is credited with authoring yogsutra for mortal being to cleans the chitt (consciousness). He is  also  credited with cleansing/reforming/perfecting the language through vaiyakaran  [grammar].

Note:-Generally  Panini  is credited  with  developing  grammar or  are  the Patanjali and Panini same person? He is also known as cleansing the body from malas (wastes /tearing of cells) through Ayurveda.

Atreya :-  He is considered to be best (as lion ) among dear hunters, (as Shesnag) among reptiles, as Mahadev (The Destroyer) among Devtas.

Kashyap :-He is the 1st one who drank ksya (alcohol). He is the son of Marichi and grandson of Brahma - The Creator.


Importance of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is propogated /advocotaed for the purpose of dharm (order –social & personal) and not for amassing  wealth and enjoyment (pleasure seeking through aphrodiascs)only.   

Providing medicare to the needy (Poors) without charging is one of the four selfless services  to the humanity which gives instant gratification and is the best among all.

The other three (selfless services ) are (i) extending security to the insecure . (ii) helping knowledge seekers to gain knowledge ( iii) feeding the hungry and  ( iv) comforting the tired /fatigued /exhausted (sleep deprived).

Note :-The conditions of fear ,hunger and fatigue have indirect & delayed effect on the physical, mental & social well being of a person  but absence /availability of medicare have immediate & direct effect on the health. Hence,providing medicare is the best .

Ayurveda don’t have any begining nor any ending. It is infinite (like space). None is better ( than ayurved ) in bestowing laurels upon  it’s truthfull practioners. the laurels can be in the form of wealth or fame or experience or friendship or adulation(for following the path of Dharm).

Letest News
Jiwan Ayurveda organised a healh camp.

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