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Question : What is Ayurveda?

Answer : Ayurveda is more than a medical system deals life in a holistic manner its theorical foundation made of  mahabhutas – elements in popular these mahabhutas are fine, hence the word panchmahabhutas. From them flows the concept of prakriti-physical are psyclogical and / or psyclogical, interplay b/w panchmahabhutas needs to immeasurable forms of padarth matter each of the padarth have got the three humours wat and kapha either one or two or sometimes all the three are in document position within one individual vata is more than air/wind it represents motion newtons law motion pitta is more than fire it is energy in all its nine forms kapha is more than phlegym it is building material of the body. This body (sharira) is  composed of Atma (soul),mana(mind) indriyan (senses) it is called sharira because it goes  to sheern (tear) which means wear and fear pheuamena is the sheet of life. Prakriti is more than physical one .it is mansik (mental /physical)know as sattva (cool needed) Rahas (active) and tawas (slouth) this body is our is given to us by our patents and before parents hence we are genetic representation of then in other words our basic type (physical ,mantal prakriti)is determined at the five of coneeption it self however life style help us in not to fall  sick our fall sick. Ayurveda teach us life style for useful to be adopted each  & every individual thus the approach of ayurveda is customized to week’s needs of different individual separately.


Question : Is ayurveda available around us?

Answer : Yes, very much it is around us and in our home just go to your kitchen and low and behold ayurved is their . How come it is their in the form of haldi, jeera, dhaniya, pudina, heeng, mirch ,black, green ,red and other condiments .

Question : Is telephonic conversation is sufficient to make proper diagnostic and treatment?

Answer : In the first instant it has either no or very low utility reason in ayurveda a diagnosis has to made one the basic of aster eight examination and dashiest (tenfold)points to be noted .there fore telemedicine is workable only for these who had earlier one to one talk their physician


Question : Is it appropriate for prescribing a base full of medication?

Answer : No it is unethical reason a physician must find out best possible medication depending upon suitability as well as utility of the medication . beside if way turn out bad economics also .if the treatment is prescribe with out first getting need full diagnostic innestigotious .which is must to prove the evidence based capabilitiy of ayurved.

Letest News
Jiwan Ayurveda organised a healh camp.

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